Sunday, August 18, 2013

i like funny things

I've been researching this whole blogging thing for awhile and now feel brave enough to begin my blogging journey. I contemplated for quite some time what to do with myself in the last few years and may have found the perfect outlet. Since things are blowing up on the internet more and more as time passes I figured I better stop beating around the bush! So, without further ado... let's get this party started!

As mentioned above, I like funny things... there's nothing like a good laugh! In fact, it's supposedly good for you ...especially if you LOL which I thoroughly enjoy and take part in as often as possible. The louder the better!! In fact, my laugh might be considered obnoxious to some... but I really don't give a flip!

Anyways... did I mention that I like funny things? Funny people, funny animals, funny books, TV shows, movies, comedians... well, you get the gist. One of the funniest things I experienced recently involved the colorful play on words one might hear on TV like, "Well, blow me over!" and "Well, paint me purple and call me Barney!" Or this one, "Well, slap me with a turnip and color me flabbergasted!"

The above examples are "idiomatic" in that they're expressive and not necessarily intended to be taken literally... commonly heard in "colloquial American slapstick" least that's how I understand it. Please feel free to correct me if you think otherwise.

Then, there's other titillating phrases such as, "Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit!" and... this one's one of my faves, "Well, glaze my nipples and call me Rita!" Hah!! "Dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians!" is hilarious! I mean, WTF?! I didn't know lesbians were so entranced by chocolate... because they're women I guess. However, that may be largely presumptive... And the truly racy one, "Well, fuck me sideways and call me a letterbox!" I apologize if that one made your mouth drop open like a 2-dollar suitcase.

Well, I don't like to drag things out... so, I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. This was fun! Please let me know if you enjoyed it too! ...or hated it ;-) Later taters!