If I've learned one thing about being unemployed it's never expect anything.. the second you do reality bitch-slaps you right back into
the now reminding you there are forces you have zero control over. The sad thing is it's literally a world-wide epidemic of sorts.. a global state of
conservatism with consequences of epic proportion. Employers need workers but aren't willing to sacrifice profit to complete said work-force.

Well, one possibility could be that companies are posting available
jobs with no real intention of hiring.. or maybe they're just REALLY picky.
Making matters even worse, apparently the longer you're out of work the less "attractive" you are to employers. There's also the aspect of those long-term unemployed that became
discouraged after looking for a job year after year and simply "dropped out"
altogether (took early retirement, etc.) thereby falling out of the labor market and
skewing the numbers posing an inaccurate perception on unemployment
statistics altogether.

An unproven perception: Companies are looking for younger
less-qualified people who are cheaper to higher and teachable. And, they're not interested if you've been out of work for more than six months no matter what age you are. So,
those a little or a lot older, over-qualified, formerly over-paid
unemployed persons would appear to unfortunately be S.O.L. What next? We
can't just start lying on our applications/resumes right? How do you
get the message out to recruiters that you're willing to take lower pay or less benefits
and are welcome to change? What's certain is there's no simple solution
here.. assuming of course there's any solution at all.
So, I simply continue to tell myself, "Never give up! Never surrender!" Like a river we
must remain constant and at the same time willing to change direction at
the drop of a hat. If you hit a rock or otherwise immovable object,
simply meander around and just keep on moving. Don't stop.